that first quote is brilliant gold

Yeah, I like Lenny I also connect with this. I've been fortunate to go through 2 or 3 of these cycles so far and one thing I've found that helps is humility.

Relaxing into not knowing, simply observing using right understanding as you mentioned. Quieting the part of me that is tense and all puffed up, quick to be jaded or full of himself as if he knows everything already.

When I can soften into the moment, connect with my innate curiosity and observe externally rather than remain distracted by internal dialogue, then the colour and magic begins to creep back into my awareness again.

Even if that's just watching the magic of trees swaying in the wind

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I connect with this.

In the past whenever I was still I would feel anxiety and depression would creep up.

And now after years of working on it, in silence, instead of depression, I just feel space.

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